When we are vulnerable, we create deeper connections. 

I feel and know the worlds of mystery and fantasy and how they dance and blend with our 3D reality here on Earth. From about 9 years old, I have been using words in a poetic-like way to express my feelings and emotions. Poetry has been one of the biggest tools to help guide me into finding my personal expression of this human experience. 

I had a lot of darkness and depression as a little girl and being able to get thoughts out of my mind and onto paper, in a creative way, really helped me move the emotion out of my body and clear my mind.  Only now do I understand that was what was happening. I would never EVER share any of my writings.  However, they say with age comes wisdom," and as I age, I have come to recognize the importance of being vulnerable .When we are vulnerable, we create deeper connections. 

As humans we are here to learn, connect, and create.

I believe we all crave and fully deserve this!  With this belief, I share my poetry and writings openly, rawly, and nakedly with you.  My hopes are that my vulnerability will create a ripple-effect of connections around the world in the name of love, art, and human experience.