The main focus I have is to help people connect the mind, body, breath, and spirit for an optimal human experience.

In doing so, we can see and feel the true magic and beauty all around and within. Many of us have been taught and programmed to shut down certain senses or gifts. One of my goals is to help us unlock and remember these gifts so we may more fluidly, gracefully and joyfully be embodied. Therefore permitting us the ability to truly live our human-given birth rights. In doing this I know we will heighten our vibrations, therefore raising the frequency and healing on our planet and home. “As within, so without. As above, so below.”

When we make the time to find stillness, we allow the body to rest and reset. Our nervous system gets a chance to recalibrate and allows us to call back and embody our energy/power.


We humans are still and forever discovering new information about the raw power of our mental body, or mind. Many of us can get caught or trapped in our own minds. We may find ourselves repeating a past story that is no longer relevant to the present moment self; or we may recognize that we are playing a future story that does not even exist. As we continue to evolve and change, it is imperative that we take care of our mental health. There are many tools that can assist us in keeping mental peace and stability.

One of the most simple yet most profound tools can be our breath. Breathing is the first and last thing we do on this planet, and well all do it together. We welcome a full breath of air into our lungs as we start our journey in this human experience, and with an exhale, it is over. This is important for us to realize and digest as we continue to embody our life. With the power and wonders of the mind we are able to reach incredible states of awareness which in return help guide us through a smoother journey on this seemingly mental roller coaster ride.


Our physical body is a brilliant gift we have been given to walk upon this Earth. It allows us the opportunity to participate in the magic of the life. The body holds an intelligence and wisdom that we are uncovering and discovering on the daily. It is constantly communicating with us. When we tune and and listen, it shares it’s deepest wisdom with us.

Just like any living being, our bodies need nourishment, and it can come in many different forms. Reconnecting to our food, how our bodies move, and how we feel in our bodies are all ways in which we may nourish ourselves for an optimal participation in life!


It goes by many names… Spirit, Source, God, Divine, Jah, Allah, Prana, Chi, Vital Life Force, to name a few. We are human beings upon this planet experiencing a mixture of emotions and senses. With each of these experiences, we have the ability to connect our 3D world with this seemingly, ‘other worldly” force. This is Spirit. This is magic. This is within and all around us all.

My goals are to help us tap into and remember our connection to this grand force and become a force within and for ourselves.

  • Movement Medicine

    Here we connect deeper with our gift of this human body.

    ~Becoming more aware of our innate capabilities.

    ~ Connecting to the intelligence of the body’s wisdom.

    ~Recognizing it's all connected!

  • Breath

    Our breath is the first and last thing we do on this earth.

    ~ My goal is to help us connect to our life force energy, the breath.

    ~Breath is life.