The power of human touch and connection is another life force we have and we are here to participate with. Through my studies and profound personal experiences, I have felt and have embodied how energy can be transferred between people, animals, the earth, and throughout the grid (cosmic energy). We all, and everything around us, is made of energy. When we tap into the subtleties of the vibrational world we live in, we can have a better understanding of how EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.

As we continue to tap into the awareness of how special connection truly is, we can then expand our conscious connection to one another and the world in which we all live.

I am here to be a channel of Divine Love. I believe it is part of my life’s work as I continue to heal myself and the world in which I live and play a part in. My intentions are to help us connect to our inner strength, love, power and purpose. And I do so, in service, with an open heart and open mind.

I have been attuned with Reiki since 2014 and continue to renew and study the practices of Reiki. I was in a month-long meditation course and saw that Reiki was an additional offering. I was tight on money and chose not to participate. The night before the classes were about to start, a book I brought, fell out of my backpack onto the floor with the exact amount of money I needed to participate in the course! Without another thought, I ran to the reception asking to join. From that moment on, the synchronicities ran wild in my life. I felt as if I was dreaming. The days after becoming attuned with Reiki, my hands were on fire or freezing, or felt as if someone had plugged me into an electrical outlet. The experiences I had the following weeks, scared me, intrigued me, and opened my heart and mind to a whole new way of perceiving and experiencing the world. I could not go back to seeing the world as I did, even if I tried…”you cannot un-see the seen”… rang very true for me.

These experiences opened my own “Pandora’s Box,” if you will. I knew there was no going back and I had started on a deep healing journey that I was so ready and so not ready for. Throughout this journey I have traveled to my own underworlds and seen my darkest shadows. I have brought them to the surface and healed them (and will continue to do so). The endurance and perseverance I have witnessed in myself has been life changing and empowering.

As I continued to dive deeper into the Healing Arts, I studied Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and a little bit of Reflexology. These modalities assisted me to connect with the human body and not just the ethereal realm. When I would connect with a client, it was as if my hands knew exactly where to go, how to touch, and with what amount of pressure and flow. I was fascinated and the results were so positive and heartwarming.

As I continue to learn, heal and practice, I recognize the similarities we all have as humans. We all need and deserve love, touch, connection and to be embodied! Another big lesson I have learned from it all is, we cannot do it alone. We live in a relational world, and through these relationships we can truly understand how to love ourselves and one another.